Wednesday, September 18, 2013

9x15/16 Why Can’t This Be Love--RECAP

AKA Promises Prom-Misses
As you can see this is another episode packaged with an alternative name at least stateside and also makes me once more question the wonderful world of Degrassi timeline….Okay so the graduating class of season 5 didn’t even have a prom episode and it just had graduation which seemed to be an afterthought to the relationship dramas at that. The class of season 7 had Prom then Graduation in the same episode, same as the class of season 12. Meanwhile the class of season 11a had Graduation first then Prom in the following episode….I’d like to assume it was due to the problems that had stemmed from Vegas Night that school year but who knows….. Anyway this season we’re now onto the Prom Episode (though they refer to it as the formal) HOWEVER there are three more regular episodes this season with graduation being no more than a five minute after thought in ‘Takes Manhattan’

Rant aside the episode opens with Sav opening his locker to a wave of confetti telling Anya that he’d be honored to go to the formal with him. She comments about how her parents want pictures of them both dressed up and would love his moms beautiful garden as a backdrop for photos. Sav doesn’t say anything and when she leaves he explains to Danny his conundrum. He told his parents he and Anya were done for good and so she can’t come over for formal photos. Danny comments saying when Anya finds this tidbit out it’s going to get messy.


Sav’s in chem and sees Danny walking by. He calls out to Danny asking if he can help her with the Anya drama because his parents are anti-girlfriend.

Johnny whose long hair is now chopped off asks Alli if she wants to go to formal with him because she used to talk about it. She says yea before the whole picture thing. She’s over and done with ever liking him. Bruce comments to Johnny it’s her loss and she’s just one in a million. Johnny nods, he thinks so too just in a more romantic way.

Sav shows up home with balloons Anya gave him and wants to ask his sister some advice. He wants to role play and have her pretend to be their mom so he can practice what to say to them about him and Anya. The mom comes in and she asks what all this is about regarding the balloons. He tells her it’s for spring formal and she smiles commenting about how he’s going with Peter and Danny and how nice it is that the boys aren’t all about dates.

Johnny and Bruce are at the break room playing pool and are checking out girls. Bruce points out Lindsey the college student waitress is checking Johnny our and he calls her over telling her Johnny thinks she’s hot and asks if Johnny can have her number. She just grins and walks off.

Sav takes a blindfolded Anya to the botanical garden in the park before school saying how it would be the perfect place for their photos, no parents, no stress just them. Anya comments how it’ll be the perfect spot to their special night……if you know what she means. Sav tells Peter and Danny about Anya’s ‘special’ comment before we get a montage of them trying on rent-a-tuxes at the school.

Alli asks if Anya is talking to him and he comments and then some….formal is going to be awesome. That is until Mrs. Bhandari comments how the family of Farah, AKA Sav’s betrothed is coming a week early to visit. Sav comments how he’s got the formal and his mom insists he takes his bride to be as his date… much for a perfect night. Sav comments it’s so sudden she doesn’t have a dress and the mom says she’ll call to tell her to pack one….maybe they can even rent the kids a limo to go all out.

Bruce comments to Johnny asking why he skipped out on Lindsey. They start to talk about how she’s in college and out of his league however he’ll soon be in the league next year when he graduates and he soon points out how Bruce is two credits shy. Bruce comments asking if he’s too dumb to hang with Demarco the great and powerful and from the looks of it….yea.

Sav tells the boys how his mom is insisting he brings his future wife to the dance and Danny and Peter are all W-T-Fuck why are we just hearing this now. Sav comments how his parents want him to marry inside the culture and while it’s not required that he HAS to wed her it’s strongly encouraged that he does so. Peter has two questions….one is she hot? Sav tells him last he saw her she was ten. Question two is how is Sav so lucky he has two dates while he has none. Sav says that Peter should take Farah as his date cause Anya doesn’t know the girls name anyway…..Peter agrees but Sav is going to own him. Anya asks why he’s so excited and he comments they got a limo. Anya smiles before saying how she took a Cosmo quiz to find her passion personality and can’t wait to make love with him.

Bruce asks Johnny when they are chilling but Johnny has other plans.

Sav comes home and the other family is there. They ask if Sav remembers Farah and she’s hot. It’s been seven years and she’s really grown up.

Johnny goes to the Breakroom and says hi to Lindsay. She asks where Bruce is and she comments how he doesn’t get why she hangs out with a looser like him.

Farah’s parents ask Sav what he plans to be when he grows up and he says a rockstar going on tour….that is after he gets a PHD in music. It’s once more brought up how music is not a practical career and soon Sav excuses himself to clean the dishes, despite being the guest Farah goes to join him.

Johnny is chatting with Lindsay and invites her to formal and she laughs asking if he’s kidding with inviting her to a High School dance. Bruce arrives and calls Johnny out for lying saying he was staying at home and they scuffle. Lindsay comments that’s why she doesn’t hang with High Schoolers.

Farah apologizes for her parents putting him on the spot. The two are talking about the marriage arrangement when Anya is calling Sav. Farah asks who she is and Sav says it’s his girlfriend. He then tells Farah that Anya thinks he’s going with him and the parents don’t know they are together. Farah comments she’s been there done that and asks what the plan is. Anya then shows up at the door with a dress swatch for him to match his tie with. Farah shows up at the door and Anya asks who she is. He tells her it’s Peter’s date and Anya puts two and two together and tells him she hopes he and Farah have a nice life.

Johnny offers Bruce a ticket to the dance and tells him it’s better than going to the dance alone. They just share a really cute bro-mantic moment and it makes me kind of wish they did more than just play the antagonist this whole time especially Johnny who in the short time that he’s been around has gone from an accessory to murder to a closeted honor student.

Sav apologizes to Anya saying that he’s doing all this for them cause he doesn’t want any drama to go on with his parents. He still very much wants to go with her and he heard they are a shoe in for King and Queen. She agrees to still be his date and he comments how Peter, Farah and him will pick her up.

On Saturday, Anya and Holly J are decorating for the formal themed ‘Springtime In Paris’ Chantey walks in giddy about the gossip that Peter is dating some foreign girl named Farah. Anya comments it’s not a REAL date and Farah is really Sav’s arranged fiancé that his parents are making take to the dance so he’s pawned him off on his single friend. The girls comment about how she’s letting Sav have it both ways and Anya shakes her head not wanting Farah to ruin her night….TBC

 Sav gives Anya the lowdown that the limo will pick her up once it picks up Danny, Chantey, and Farah’s ‘date’ Peter. He’s sorry it’s so complicated cause he wanted to make it special. Anya comments how as long as the night ends with the two of them it’ll be worth it…..however about that, with Farah there after the formal might not be the best time to sleep together. Anya is fine…yea right…and asks Sav to help decorate


Alli comments how she can’t believe she’s at the school on a Saturday as she and Dave walk into a meeting with Holly J who is telling the grade nine class representatives that they are to help with finalizing the decorations and then help serve refreshments at the dance. Alli is a bit taken aback as that wasn’t how she pictured going to the Junior/Senior dance since she’d assumed she’d be one of if not the only freshman actually attending cause she’d been dating up. She’s embarrassed Johnny will be there and she’ll just be the help.

Chantey is asking what accessories Anya is wearing for the formal and she says it doesn’t matter cause Sav has the perfect accessory, a parentally approved date. Chantey comments that Sav loves her and she loves him and that should be all that matters.

They pick Anya up and for the record Sav’s tie matches her not Farah. They take a few pictures and Farah comments that the two of them should take some pictures together too….for the family.

Dave thinks they need a signature cocktail and they should call it the Bhandurner…. (Bhandari + Turner) a foreshaddowment since that’ll later become their shipper name….wait did I just give spoilers….well it hasn’t stopped me before now has it. They ask Declan who is supervising the set up with Holly J if he wants to pledge for the grade nine skip a thon fundraiser and he pledges a hundred. Alli is flipping out that Dave had to bring that up in front of Declan and Dave comments how she needs to stop thinking she’s better then everyone.

The group comes out of the limo and Farah’s dress gets caught in the door. It’s okay and she rips off the longer tiers of her skirt and turns it into a shot sexy number. Declan introduces himself to the ‘future Mrs. Bhandari’ and Holly J shoves him. Farah says it’s okay and besides it’s just as likely she’d marry him and asks flirtatiously for his name….kidding. She then says how lovely Anya is.

Alli spots Johnny from her spot at the drink table and he comments about the bad service and then asks for two cokes. Alli asks if they want to try their signature drinks and the boys make snide comments and walk off.

Anya asks Farah if she’s having fun and thanks again for pretending to be Sav’s date for the family while the two of them are together. Farah says not for long….the two of them are going to be together and there is nothing Anya can do about it.

Sav is begging Holly J to rig the King and Queen vote and Anya goes to make out with Sav telling him it’s time. Sav’s all flustered asking where and while everyone is out dancing the two of them engage in some limo sex. Sav doesn’t have a condom but Anya says it’s okay…she’s on the pill.

The dance is continuing to go on and Dave shows Alli his moves telling Alli she shouldn’t worry about growing up so fast cause she’s missing having fun and being a kid.

Sav and Anya show back up at the dance after their little hook up just in time to be named King and Queen and share a dance. Mid-dance however Farah cuts in saying they need to go to make curfew.

The following day, Anya and Holly J are cleaning up though the grade nines did most of the work the night before. Anya confesses to Holly J about the limo sex and how they didn’t use any protection. Holly J comments that the bathroom has a condom machine. Anya worries that she could be pregnant and Holly J talks about options like the morning after pill. Holly J points out that if Sav’s mature enough to sleep with her he should be able to tell his parents they are together. Anya nods and heads to the Bhandari’s where Alli informs her that Sav went to drop Farah and her parents off at the airport. Anya comments how she needs to talk to him face to face.

Monday at school, Chantey is asking them where the king and queen see themselves in five years. Anya brings up kids and Sav rolls his eyes. He asks why she’s obsessed with kids and she admits she wasn’t on the pill and that there is a good chance she could be. She tells him she had to lie to keep him away from Farah.

Alli and Dave are talking and Johnny and Bruce show up teasing them. Johnny calls her lame and Alli tells Dave she doesn’t want to hang with him.

Anya picks up a morning after pill and she’s contemplating taking it or not. She asks if she can go over to his place to watch a movie but he tells her she can’t be there cause of his parents. He tells her not to eff up both their lives by getting pregnant so she takes the pill.

Alli shows up at the skip a thon telling Dave she’s sorry she called him lame and is okay with them as friends.

Sav asks Anya how she feels. A bit nauseous but fine otherwise. She’s sorry about everything and wants to talk but he doesn’t feel like talking. She asks if he’s breaking up with her and he tells her he just can’t trust her anymore. In tears, Anya watches the interview they did with Chantey the day before play on the school news.

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