Saturday, September 14, 2013

9x10 Somebody RECAP

This episode like I said before was initially aired as a one hour episode at least stateside and so there is major plot continuity of the Dolly J (Declan + Holly J) Variety.

The episode opens up as Declan is giving an emotional breakup speech to Trisha outside of Degrassi. She calls him a player and soon after she walks off he goes to Holly J and she asks how the other girl took it. Declan says like he expected and after declaring being official Declan comments how he’d never of guessed he’d be in love with Holly J a week ago to which she teasingly asks ‘what’. He laughs saying he just wanted a reaction. The bell rings and Declan asks for a goodbye kiss. She teases school Holly J starts when the bell rings however she kisses him anyway before being beckoned with school related duties


Chantey and Anya are asking Holly J about her relationship with Holly J. Their conversation is halted as class begins and Holly J is told by Simpson that she’s a finalist for a woman’s leadership mentorship. Anya comments that with school, her job at the Dot, the babysitting service, student council and now that when would she ever have time to date. Holly J comments that if he likes her he’d deal with her busy life.

Dave’s looking at a magazine in class. It’s hard to tell if it’s an Entertainment Weekly kind of rag or more of a Penthouse kind of thing as he’s looking at photos of Megan Fox. Conner looks over his shoulder pointing out who it is and Dave even comments the only parts of Transformers not in CGI was her and her short shorts (cause I mean come on this is a show for kids they can’t say tits) Connor loves those short shorts and Dave lets him look at the magazine which quickly gets confiscated by Kwan and Connor gets detention. Dave tries stopping her saying….Conner has basketball practice but Kwan says he should have known the consequences before doing. Conner says its okay since nobody at practice will miss him.

Declan asks if Holly J is free to and that he wants to hang with her. Declan gives Anya Holly J’s math assignment to turn in and she lets Jane deal with Jenna and she plays hooky with Declan. They take an off campus lunch at the Dot and go for a walk. Declan asks to meet her at school but she has her leadership mentor interview. Declan comments that his mother is the one that is the head of that program and that she should tell her that she’s dating him because it’ll give her a leg up explaining its networking. He then asks if she wants to blow off the next period too and they have a cute shopping montage outside at a thrift shop sidewalk sale.

Dave asks Connor if he enjoyed detention and how sorry he is again about it. Conner said it was fine, he watched Transformers in his mind and it is a pleasant change from being out in awkward social situations. Dave tells him that he’ll help him out with being cool. Dave tries to start a conversation about pop rocks and coke and Conner flips out saying how it was disproved. Everyone laughs about the scene and then Conner asks if Dave wants to hang. Dave has plans with the team and while he thought he could help break Connor from his bubble the team already thinks he’s lame and being around Conner is going to dock whatever cool points he has left.

Holly J has her interview with Laura for the program and she comments on how great Holly J looks on paper. She then mentions that she’s Declan’s girlfriend and the other members of the board comment about how it’s a conflict of interest and so Holly J withdraws and walks out of the room.
The next day she introduces Laura for the presentation of who is going to get the spot. Declan calls her backstage and apologizes for the bad advice. Holly J comments that she’d of found out eventually and she hopes Declan is worth it. They start making out backstage and begin to get hot and heavy. Holly J is declared the winner for having the integrity to stand up for what she believes in. Holly J isn’t onstage however and when the curtain is moved to find her she’s all disheveled with her blouse undone most likely either about to have sex with Declan or in the process of going down on him. YIKES

One of the basketball players comments that after the Athletics Banquet (which is a plot point next episode) he and Trisha (who has moved on pretty fast from Declan) are getting a hotel room. Conner asks to do what and the boys look at him like ‘are you for real’  and he begins to dig on him though KC and eventually Dave stick up for Connor.

Laura comments how she should have accepted Holly J’s withdrawal as the newest school scandal is on our hands. It’s all about Damage control and Mrs. Sinclair comments about how Holly J isn’t going to be thrown under the bus to protect the Coyne name….. And Laura agrees. Holly J will still go through with the mentorship program however she and Declan are banned from seeing one another ever again. Declan agrees with his mom and Holly J is upset her relationship is over like that and storms out.

Dave acts Connor if he wants to hang out with Connor. Connor tells Dave what about the team and he says how Conner is a better friend. Conner plans on quitting the team because he’s a constant bench warmer. Dave then sees the intricate stats Connor has kept while on said bench and comments that he should show the coach and play to his strength and be team statistician.

Holly J calls out Declan for his forwardness in not fighting for her in front of Laura. He tells her how his family is all he has. She asks if he seriously thinks that this is the best thing and he tells her that they are going to move eventually so why not just prevent the inevitable. Holly J then vents to Jane all about it. Leia then shows up with a babysitting issue and Holly J is quick to fix it. Jane comments that nobody solves a problem like Maria…I mean Holly J. She nods and then breaks into to the school with Declan….well it’s not breaking in because she has the president’s key. She sets up a dinner date for them on the stage. She comments how she can’t believe something so good got so bad and Declan comments how the world seems to be against them. They decide to live their lives. Declan comments about them being the Modern Day Romeo and Juliet and sneaking around is hot. She says who said anything about sneaking around and when he doesn’t wish to go public she walks out telling him to lock up.

Coach Carson shows that Connor is the secret weapon to making the team unstoppable and this causes the mean dude who we find is named Ethan to be benched and Dave to start.

The moms are called in again because the school has security cameras and so their rendezvous was caught. We learn the J stands for Janette for the first time and the moms start to argue on whose fault this truly is. Holly J comments saying they were working on the play and that was why they were there. Miss H tells her keys are a privilege and she gets stripped from having them much like another student body president who knows Tae Kwon Do circa season eleven (like seriously I say again WHY has their never been any Katie/Holly J fanfic…. Not talking of the slash variety I’m just talking in general….like I think they had one scene/plot together with the fashion show plot in Now Or Never but those two have so many commonalities damn it) Declan tells them this is BS. He likes Holly J and his mom said it herself that Holly J is one of the best girls in the school and like it or not they are going to date. They leave the room and he comments how he can’t believe he just did that and they kiss.

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