Tuesday, September 10, 2013

9x05 You Be Illin RECAP

The trinity of Alli, Clare, and Jenna are breaking into the school to get Johnny’s phone back to delete the photos so Alli can move on. Clare suggests Alli perpetuate the trope of getting an ‘Important Haircut’ to get over it but Alli wants to get the pics and erase him from her memory. Jenna has tools to break in however the locker is open and Clare finds it’s more normal then she thought…. Alli pokes and prods and finds photos of her and Johnny and they look so happy and she pauses wondering if perhaps he still cares for her.

After their before school B and E Alli see’s Johnny out front and wishes to talk with him to try to purge him from her life. He asks if she found what she was looking for and that the locker was a decoy and he’s kept the promise. It’s clear she still likes him and vice versa.

Peter asks Danny and Sav if they want to hang. They can’t because they are working on something for music theory. Peter nods saying he wrote a new song and wants to know if he can show it to them but they are also busy cause they have to perform at some concert. Sav offers Peter an invite but Danny whispers asking what he’s doing. They then inform him Jane is now the lead singer and Peter’s pissed.

The girls are in PE and Clare steps in. Alli is venting to Jenna that she still loves Johnny but Clare is all good riddance to bad rubbish but she can’t let him go. He was her first and she still has feelings….Jenna says to go for it. Cut to them being in media later in the day, Johnny shows up at the room and gives Alli the phone and there has to be some sort of catch especially as after school he asks her to meet in another room. Clare wants to know what she’s doing and Alli says they are just talking and Jenna totally understands her.
Peter shows up at the Dot talking about how they replaced him with Jane. He likes her and all but it feels like he was fired from his clique. Spinner offers him a rodie position if he wants to hang out.

Johnny tells Alli that he found something…..down there…..a wart or something. He’s planning on getting it checked out and Alli should be getting checked too. Alli comments saying that at the ravine it was both their first times and he shakes his head. He said it to make her feel at ease but he’s had multiple partners. Alli then goes to the lab to research HPV. Jenna shows up because Clare and her were looking for her.  She tells Jenna that Johnny has a thing and now she might and she tells Alli to see a REAL doctor and not rely on webMD. Alli asks Jenna to come with her.

When she gets home Alli’s trying to look at her you know in her room when Sav knocks on her door to get his mirror. She straightens herself up and lets him in. He asks if she’s sad cause their parents found her secret teen vogue subscription while she asks why do boys lie. He tells her to hook up with girls before realizing just what and whom he’s talking to before adding or to keep from hurting someone. He then asks if he needs to beat up Johnny for her and it makes me Miss Sav and these sibling moments in present seasons oh so much….

Alli and Jenna head to the clinic. Alli thinks she’s a slut but Jenna assures her she’s not. Alli vents about how many girls Johnny slept with and how many guys they did and tells Jenna never tell Clare.

Peter shows up with a new van he bought with the musical money and the band is ecstatic though they still won’t let Peter touch anything.

Alli’s tests came out clean but the doctor suggests she get an HPV shotAlli claimes she’s never having sex again and Jenna can’t help but laugh. Alli is told that she needs parental consent and that the shot will help prevent against cervical cancer. Jenna tells her that they had to have the shot at her last school.

Alli is now at school and Clare asks if she’s okay. She’s doesn’t talk to Clare but she cries to Jenna saying how she can’t believe Johnny lied to him and they decide to get even with him. Jenna says she can get very persuasive and get him to tell the school.

Peter is with the band at the music fest and is making snarky comments about the other bands before handing Jane a tambourine since he thinks he’s back and it looks sexy when Mia did it.

Jenna and Alli are about to extract revenge when Clare shows up. She says it’s a good idea and will pay him back from the photos. And then some, Alli simply adds.

Peter’s told no, he’s not in the band and they have now changed their name to Janie and the Studs.

While the band is playing Clare and Alli are messing with the speakers so that a mic-ed up Jenna can catch Johnny in the act however instead she catches Johnny saying he’s in love with Alli. Johnny asks Alli if he put Jenna up to it and now she’s embarrassed that her revenge turned into an embarrassment.

Danny comments how Peter took off and that they are still his friends.

Alli goes to talk to Johnny but first she wants Clare to psych her out so she does the right thing. He tells her the balls in her court and she tells Johnny it’s over. He tells her she may not of been his first but she’s his first who meant something.

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