Sunday, September 8, 2013

9x03 Shoot To Thrill RECAP

So when this season initially aired while episodes aired in order state-side, in Canada episodes 3/5 and 4/6 aired in an hour-long block and once we get through these next four episodes you’ll see it’s because each of these pairs have major plot continuity together and it’s almost as if they could have been written as two hour long episodes. Anyway this episode opens as it’s clubs fair sign up at the school. Johnny is sitting on the steps and Alli goes up to him and sits on his lap playing with his hat. Bruce shows up and it’s off she goes. She has to meet Clare anyway to sign up for an activity and she wants Johnny to go. He promises he’ll meet her there. As the girls make it to the film club booth it’s full (I’d say Clare wanting to join this club is foreshadowing her relationship with an aspiring director but I believe it’s simply coincidental) Miss H is back as Principal and she’s running a tight ship so the girls choose photo club instead. Sav and Anya scored film clubs last spots and engage in PDA whole KC arrives and he and Clare kiss as well. Alli is jealous cause Johnny is all no public touchy. Johnny just has other interests….. Like watching Bruce harass Connor….Clare just doesn’t know him like Alli does….


Bruce and some of the other ‘bad boys’ start coming onto Fiona and Declan pulls her away. He tells her he can’t be her boy shield all year as he’s got his own life to attend too and she complains that she’s said no in various ways and even mentioned she knows judo but guys just don’t take hints. She comments that nothing’s wrong with being single and she’s had boyfriends before. Declan calls her out saying that he was a pen pal at best.

The girls have a   portrait assignment and Alli invites Johnny to discuss 1984 with. It’s his favorite book and she asks him why he doesn’t discuss literature with his friends. He tells here there are other things he doesn’t do with his friends and he starts kissing her. She asks why he doesn’t join a club and he says he’s not the club type but with a bat of her eye he’s soon the model for her portrait assignment that is until her parents come home and it’s time to go. He makes her promise no one will see her photos and she promises.

Kwan is talking about portmantus and asks if anyone has any they want to share. Dave suggests Sexting…. Sex + Texting. Speaking of ‘racy’ photos, Alli breaks her word and shows Clare the photo of Johnny with her push dog.

Peter asks Riley if he wants to go for a bite cause his moms making fish loaf. Riley can’t cause of SAT prep and Peter is bummed cause he wants to spend time with his bro now that he’s single. Riley declares that Peter must of traded his body spray with girl repellent and Peter makes a comment to Riley about repelling know…cause of the gay thing. He tells Peter he can totally get a girl still if he wants to (cause he’s in Narnia too) and he has his sights set on Fiona. He walks into the room asking if it’s SAT prep but it’s fashion club. Fiona shows Riley her battle scars and tells her he’ll see her around. Riley leaves and Dave creeps on Fiona. She tells him Riley is her boyfriend (note Beard)

Bruce steals Connor’s lunch but it’s a gross decoy. Alli then goes to sit with him…and well Johnny too whom she starts feeding like a baby. He’s her boyfriend but he still doesn’t want her acting all flirty with his friends present.  Alli then goes and bitch to Sav at home about it as he’s putting numbers into his new phone. Sav doesn’t like the guy but he gets where he’s coming from noting that he and Anya tone it down at school sending cute texts to one another. Speaking of, Anya texts Sav who walks away but not before letting Alli use his old cell.

Alli has a present for Johnny the next day, a track phone so they can communicate away from his friends. He says he’s not a puppy but the phone seems like a leash. Alli wants to prove him wrong so she goes in the girl’s room and takes a saucy photo.

In English they are discussing Twelfth Night and secret identities and Holly J tells Fiona she knows about hers….Riley’s girlfriend that is and she congratulates her cause Riley’s never dated someone at school before. She asks if he found the SAT class and he nods asking if she knows they are an item. She apologizes saying he was Dave repellent and he’s honored to be her decoy.

Johnny ends up joining Alli, Clare, and KC. Clare and KC leave and Johnny is impressed that Alli texted him a photo of the twins…he can so get used to this.

Fiona and Riley are hanging at the Breakroom and Fiona is sharing her Sushi with Riley. He wants to get to know her and asks her favorite movie. It’s some Swedish Teen Vampire movie and Riley saw it at some local indie film house. He asks what’s in the Sushi and she says eel he guesses they can’t have everything in common and grabs a hot dog.

Chantey is looking at the portraits for film club. Clare has pictures of KC working up a sweat playing ball while Alli has a photo of her stuffed dog. Chantey then finds the photos of Johnny with the dog in Alli’s envelope and can’t believe what she’s seeing. Alli comments that Johnny is new and improved and shows them the sweet texts he sends her. Clare asks if Johnny wants to double date and Alli says she’ll ask. Chantey tells her she should show the Johnny picture and she agrees.

Soccer Guy asks Fiona how long she’s known Riley….if he’s mentioned him and if he’s dating someone. Riley comes back with his food to see Soccer Guy and tells Fiona they need to go. Fiona asks how they know one another and he says he’s just some crazy.

Alli sends more sexy pictures to Johnny who is all into it. Alli thanks him for walking him to school the next day and she suggests maybe they can get more cozy at school. He says sure if she keeps up the photos and she smiles however their moment comes to an end when it’s revealed the private photos of Johnny in Alli’s room with the dog are now made public slandering his reputation. Alli says that it’s the Johnny she sees and loves and comments why he’s so stupid for hiding the real him. Okay….if he’s so stupid why doesn’t he show everyone the REAL Alli and he proceeds to text the naked Alli photos to Bruce. Alli tries to grab the phone but Simpson intercepts it seeing more then he wants to see.

Declan asks Fiona how Riley was and she tells  him he was sweet but between the two of them she’s pretty sure Riley likes boys. Declan smiles it’s win win…’re the beard and he’s the bodyguard (no eyebrows…..he’s also the beard) however Riley is on the other side of the hall keeping up with his charade chatting with Bruce about the photo Johnny forwarded him causing Declan to tell her that her gaydar was defective. Fiona then asks Riley to the DOT.

Miss H says that the photos could be constituted as Child Porn if they got out. Alli freaks saying she already has a record. Miss H says she won’t press it further but to protect her body. Alli sees Johnny saying two things one they are over and two she wants the phone back. He has two things to tell her back…one she should of followed the rules and two he wants to keep the photos to remember her by and he promises to keep them private unlike what she did with her pictures of him

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