Wednesday, September 25, 2013

10x03/4: Breakaway RECAP

It’s it….. it’s here…. The introduction of the most over rated character in recent seasons who I can’t help but sip the Kool-Aid and love Eli Goldsworthy….. okay sure he comes at the bitter end of part two and doesn’t get much major play until a few episodes later but still…..oh and there is more continuity about the election and Fiona too….

The episode opens as we see Fiona walking the ledge on the Vanderbilt prep roof as Tinsley AKA the girl Bobby was screwing with says hi to Declan and comments how he’s heard about the Coynes and how intense they are. Declan assures her they are normal and she comments that Fiona’s on the roof. His cell rings and it’s his sister and from the comment he makes saying on the roof again it seems like it’s not the first time Fiona’s done this. She comments about how Declan was right about Bobby being no good case not only is he a player but he’s hurt her in a more physical of nature. Declan asks if she’s sure it was intentional and asks if he can talk to Bobby. Fiona says she can handle it herself and he asks her to climb down from the roof.


Fiona’s scrolling through her cell deleting Bobby’s photos before heading toward the mirror, darkening her black eye making it look worse than it is before taking a selfie of it. Bobby goes to confront Declan about the picture saying how it’s all over twitter and how she’s doing it to get back at him for kissing Tinsley and to tell her it’s over. Fiona comes over toward Declan commenting how Bobby looked pissed and Declan asks where e shiner is. She comments about enhancing it and Declan comments about how he’s not letting Fiona ruin yet another school for him.

Clare tries to get Alli’s attention while the other girl is contemplating how her brother being present will work in her favor to be popular. Clare finally gets through asking how she looks sans glasses because she is planning to get Lasik eye surgery. Alli asks if she’s too young but Clare explains how she’ll be part of a teen study. As they are talking about how long the process will be and if it will hurt and how it will boost Clare’s confidence Jenna is listening in. She didn’t hear the beginning of the conversation and so she can only assume Clare is enhancing another part of her anatomy that comes in a pair.

Drew asks if Sav needs help. Sav nods saying he still owes him a cup of coffee. Drew comments how it’s great how he’s stepping up as a father. Anya comes by asking for more buttons and Sav comments about how everyone knows about them. Meanwhile Holly J is telling Declan all about the goings on with the election and how she just knows Sav is inching closer and closer to dropping out. Declan then starts to talk about Fiona’s iritic behavior and Holly J brings up the weird Skype session and the pictures though Declan just thinks she’s calling out for attention in typical Fiona fashion.

Anya comments about how maybe their parents won’t see it. Sav explains that it’s on the WORLD wide web meaning anyone can see it. He tells her how they can tell the parents then move into a place together and start planning a wedding. Anya’s taken aback as to how fast this is snowballing and as Sav asks how they should break the news she admits that it was a ruse to both win him back and sabotage his campaign. She tells him that he’s a great guy and she wants to make things right by helping him win the presidency since she obviously has long since floated over to TEAM SAV. But what about the baby?

Declan finally finds Fiona and wants to hear her side to things. She shows him her bruise from falling down the stairs and admits she’d wanted this year to be good….to be happy and admits that despite claiming she loathed Toronto she’s never been happier since they went to Degrassi. Fiona misses Holly J and Declan asks if they should press charges but Fiona doesn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention or drama to things…..instead she books a flight.

Jenna is talking to KC about the election and how she’s thinking about voting Sav for a change in the regime. And speaking of change she asks KC’s opinion on Clare’s new haircut. KC says it’s not his concern and Jenna comments how Clare is getting a boob job. KC comments how he thinks she looks okay as is but then says he is going to tell the guys.

Holly J is noticing Sav gaining popularity cause of the pregnancy lie and it’s not destroying him. And if she outs it being as a lie then it would only bite Holly J back in the ass.

The boys are looking at their magazines and Clare comments about how the models are given women unrealistic expectations. Jenna calls Clare a hypocrite stating that she’s planning on getting bodily enhancements and Connor and KC pantomime ‘boobs’ from the bench. Armstrong says they are doing dodge ball and how she bets she’ll loose another contact. Clare suggests she have surgery too and Jenna rolls her eyes judging saying she’s happy with what god gave her.

Fiona shows up at Degrassi to see Holly J on a whim. She booked a flight and she’s staying at a hotel….nobody knows. Holly J asks about New York but it soon turns to Holly J talking about the election cause Fiona wants to divert things from her. Holly J says all she has left is the debate and Fiona offers to help with her speech.

Alli tells Sav thanks, that once their parents find out about the baby then she’ll be able to get away with anything. Anya then comes in the room saying thanks to the fake baby Sav’s up in the polls as Alli rolls her eyes FAKE….I’m going to just let you talk. Sav asks Anya why should he continue to lie and she pretty much says it was Holly J’s idea and this is a surefire way to show her what a bitch Karma is or something like that.

Jenna once again tells Clare the surgery isn’t worth it…that she’s still young and growing. Clare says no they aren’t going to change and Jenna lost any rights to tell Clare her opinion when she stole KC. She’s getting the surgery and she hopes the guys love it.

Sav and Holly J debate. They both have good points though it’s interesting to note Sav seems to lean more on the social like various events and a school run YouTube channel while Holly J is more for community based involvement like guest speakers and mentorships. Sav then brings up the dad to be card and Holly J feels like she’s screwed….but enough about her she then starts to ask Fiona why she’s there again as Laura shows up cause Holly J told her where she was.  Sav ends up winning by the slim margin of seventeen votes.  Holly J tells Anya it’s her fault Sav beat her cause she messed up their plan.

Fiona tells her mom about Bobby and why she left. There is something wrong with her and therapy can’t change that. I love observing how she keeps on saying how she’s wrong and messed up and one tends to wonder if it’s cause she was closeted or if there really is something physiologically messed up. Anyway Laura tells her that they are going back and are pressing charges cause she’s not going to let that bastard get away with hurting her daughter. Fiona then pleads to not go back to the city……TBC

Holly J is now taking down her posters in defeat as she asks the councilor for some advice as to how to make herself look good for Yale. She tells her there are many options though before she continues to think of what other extracurricular to pad her resume with there is the technical stuff like the essays and the interviews and the near perfect SAT score she’ll need. She then suggests Holly J take a prep class and as she looks at the pamphlet she sees how uber expensive it is….she thanks the teacher for the suggestion with a smile.


Sav shows up in class with all the binders he needs to look over as president. He tells Anya how he can’t believe he won as Dave enters the room saying how he and the other grade reps (I guess he won his own election then) want to throw the parents to be a shower. Anya says it’s totally unseeacary and really it’s too soon but Dave insists but says they can wait. Sav tells Anya that the baby or lack thereof is getting problematic and Anya tells him how Simpson wants her to talk to a counselor.

Laura tells Fiona how she was talking to the head mistress about some school in Vermont…or there is always boarding school overseas however Fiona wants plan C….she wants to go back to Degrassi….she wants to go back to school….she wants to go back to Degrassi….where everything is magic-cool! And Holly J can vouch for her and she can get a shrink locally and get a guard if necessary. Laura tells Fiona fine but she needs to get good grades and no distractions…..yea watch that promise unravel by the end of ‘Boiling Point’

Holly J’s mom says how she needs to start packing because they move in a week. Holly J nods but tells her mom she’s trying to plot her future and figure out how to budget in her SAT prep class so she can make it into YALE. Her mom asks what is this with her ridiculous obsession with Love….er I mean New Haven and she comments that perhaps she was wrong to let Holly J spend the summer on the Upper East Side. Holly J says it’s the first time she felt like she was someplace she belonged. Her mom shakes her head. She needs a reality check….yes she’s going to go places but to New Haven with Declan isn’t one of them.

Alli asks how Clare is. She says things were a bit spotty at first but she’s now 20/20 she just wishes people noticed her eyes are glasses free. As the girls talk the boys and Jenna are all looking at Clare’s chest to see if her boobs look different? PE class begins and Clare gives Armstrong her doctor’s note. KC comments to Dave how she doesn’t look different and maybe it’s something else and how someone needs to check them out….Wesley seems like the volunteer of choice.

Fiona is shopping online for expensive furniture online for the condo she hasn’t had yet. It’s just money and she’s going to pay off her card just as soon as she makes her purchases. She needs to change he log in and does it in front of Holly J cause they are friends.

Wesley asks if she’s sore and Clare is glad someone noticed she had work done. He asks if he can feel them and Clare is all okay that’s weird and gross someone wants to touch my eye but if that’s Wesley’s fetish who am I to be judgy mcjudge. Wesley doesn’t touch her eyes however he rounds right to second base. She’s all WTF and Wesley says how Jenna told everyone Clare got a boob job.

Sav and Anya go on the announcements thanking the public for voting with him and that they have news….Anya lost the baby ‘super bummer’ and they don’t want to talk about it any further. Despite saying not to talk, Dave gave Anya sympathy flowers and everyone is supper supportive. Anya tells Sav how they make a pretty great team and they kiss….but first she hopes that things are different with them this time.

Declan asks Holly J why she’s not out apartment hunting with Fiona and she comments how there are other schools aside from Yale. Declan tells her yea but she is better than them and deserves the best. Holly J asks what if she doesn’t get in and Declan is confident she will.  Once the Skype session closes out, Holly J opens up Fiona’s bank site and transfers the two thousand she needs for SAT prep class into her bank account.

Anya and Sav are making out and Sav asks why they broke up again and Anya reminds him cause of Farah but that’s not going to happen. She asks if he’s going to tell them but he lies saying Anya came by to get his notes and she’s all no we were kissing but don’t worry it was a one-time thing.

Holly J walks out of her prep class and bumps into Fiona who is re-enrolling in the school.

Alli asks Clare when she’s getting Jenna back but Clare is ten steps ahead stuffing her bra and verbally confronting Jenna who calls her a slut who is trying to get KC back. Pulling the socks from her bra she tells Jenna she got Lasik…..dumbass and I can get KC back without bigger tits if I wanted to which I so don’t.

Sav wants to apologize to Anya for lying to his mom….again. Anya calls out how it’s a vicious circle and that they are never ever getting back together like ever and it’s still early enough for him to go back to his music elective.

Fiona and Holly J are at the Dot and Fiona says how she’s narrowed it down to three condos and everything in town is perfect well accept the coffee and she’s glad that she has her first real girlfriend in Holly J. Fiona then realizes there was an unauthorized transfer and asks Holly J how much her class was and asks her if she did it. Holly J says no….yes….but I intend to pay you back. Fiona says how she thought Holly J was the one person who wouldn’t betray her and Holly J tells her she was broke and desperate and Fiona says if Holly J asked instead of took she would of said yes.

Alli is raving about how Clare put Blondie in her place with the stunt she pulled as Clare contemplates keeping the glasses even though she doesn’t need them. The girls end up fighting over the accessory before it falls on the floor before being run over by a big black hearse… nobody died it’s just one Eli Goldsworthy’s vehicle of choice. In fact the broody boy wonder steps out of the car picking up the offending item and hands it back to Clare saying how he thinks he killed them she tells him how it’s okay because she had surgery and he says she has pretty eyes. She asks if she’ll be seeing him around and he tells her yes he will and even Alli can see just how Goosebumps inducing that meet cute is and I’m not even saying this from a shipper perspective though for the record as polarizing they are to the fan community I’m a shipper.

 Holly J comments how Fiona has a locker so she guesses she is staying. Fiona tells her not to worry that she didn’t tell Declan. Holly J tells Fiona again how sorry she is and that they need to stick together cause they are both strong independent women who are lacking in the friend department. Holly J wants to pay her back and Fiona knows the perfect payment. 200 hours of friend time including sleepovers and making sure they are in the same classes so they can be study buddies.

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