Saturday, August 17, 2013

7x13/14-Bust A Move--recap

AkA Degrassi Spring Break.
Now we’re up to the part of the series where various episodes would be packaged/marketed as specials or movie events and at least stateside this episode is one of them.
Jay is at the garage filming an audition tape for Manny’s university interview. Jay wants to film a sex tape to tide him over while his ‘fiancé’ is off at university despite the fact that this little arrangement is supposed to be null and void the moment caps fly in the air…..or not…..


Spinner informs Jimmy that his first round of chemo is over and he’s snagged tickets to some exclusive Purple Dragon music fest at Smithdale University. Speaking of Smithdale Liberty’s got connections at one of the sororities since her mom is a legacy a plot that is pretty much her only major one when they attempt doing a university arch with this group and she tells Emma and Manny they are more than welcome to come which is highly convenient since Manny has an interview there. Plus it gets Emma out of the house which has been drama central since Simpson has been suspended. Ashley asks if she can tag along as well because plans have changed and she’s no longer interested in hitting up the Florida amusement park circuit with Toby, Jeff and Kate. Manny tells the girls that they can take her car because she’s sure she can get it for visiting Jay’s sick grandma.

Helen is at the school because Darcy was in the nurse’s office though the nurse says there is nothing wrong though Helen knows there is something and it’s not of medical nature. She wants to know why Darcy is acting out. Darcy tells her people know she made those libelous comments about Simpson and the whispers are bad and she wants to go home. Helen tells her fine but they need to come back to school for a meeting.

Jay tells Spinner and Jimmy about the fake engagement and how he’s going up to Smithdale with Manny. The boys ask if they can bum a ride to go to the festival however no can do but Jay gives them some oil.

Cut to later, Jay finishes the demo real and Manny asks to keep  the tape till tomorrow so her dad doesn’t see it since she’s you know auditioning behind his back. Jay promises to keep that disk safe along with the one from their steamy make out that he accidently recorded the day before. He wants to keep if for when she’s famous and leaves him to which she teases that what makes him think she’ll wait to leave him till she’s a big star.

Back at Degrassi school may be out but a wilderness camp is moving in for break. Miss H asks Peter if he’s sure he wants to spend break there and Peter nods clearly because there is something he knows that others don’t… a certain fallen angel is also going to be there perhaps. Darcy thought that she was coming for a meeting but finds out she’s at Red Pines Camp for Troubled Teens. She doesn’t want to go but her parents tell her it’s for the best and leave. They have to remove their shoes and relinquish all belongings.

Jay and Manny are telling the Santos’s about Jay’s sick grandma for the car privileges. Her dad says that Jay can have the car so long as Manny doesn’t drive.

At the camp a fog horn goes off and the campers are told they have a certain amount of time to roll up their bags. Darcy asks what does this have to do with anything and she’s informed she’s being prepped for her outdoor solo quest. Darcy is freaking out about being dumped outdoors alone and the campers are forced to run this drill again and again till done right.

They are packing the car and I love it when Manny loads Ashley’s heavy bag asking what she has inside it…her issues….Manny takes the keys and Jay sits shotgun saying how to just think one day this car will be filled with our spawn. Manny tells him he’s freaking her out with all the hypothetical and this was supposed to give her freedom. She’s going alone and when she gets back the engagements done. He tells her to have fun and starts to walk away however Manny asks for the DVD. Out of spite Jay slips the sex tape into her bag. Liberty asks for shotgun.

Jimmy and Spinner go to the garage where Jay is mooning over Manny’s audition reel.  Jimmy asks if she needed it for the audition and he tells him he swapped tapes. He realizes he screwed up and he needs to fix what’s right and so he heads up to Smithdale in the bosses truck with the other boys in tow.

Johnny is talking in the camp/group about how bad things have been since watching his friend stab JT. It’s Peter’s turn and his symbolic rebirth name is Viking. He’s asked why he’s there and he says he took crack, crack cocaine (foreshadowing) and stole a car and crashed it….drunk. Darcy doesn’t want to talk she’s never talked to her real family so why should she talk now….her name is going to be Phoenix.

The girls are driving and Manny gets a call from her parents. Ashley asks if Liberty and Emma are planning on going to go to the school. Liberty brings up how it’s her mom’s school while Emma isn’t sure yet just wanting to get out. Ashley has tickets to the music fest and has a connection and can get the others in. Manny’s done with her chat with her mom but Jay soon calls. Manny sends him to voicemail.

Jay is upset that she’d send him to voicemail like that and declares the best way to get over a woman is to get under another and pulls over to help a hot girl broken down on the side of the road.

Peter and Darcy are pitching faux tents in the gym and she asks why he’s really there. He admits he saw her name on the sign in and told his mom it would be good for him. Darcy smiles and asks him to meet her in the hall in a few.

The girls arrive at the sorority house as Ashley goes as she has other sleeping arrangements.

Liberty takes Peter to the clinic and is looking for condoms she wants to have sex with him. No regrets….he is her prince and besides he told her he’d do anything.

Manny is flirting with one of the frat brothers from the sorority’s brother frat but then turns around saying she’s engaged.

A cop pulls up asking if there is any trouble, Jay tells him he’s taken care of it and the girl invites him to a beach party however he respectfully declines. The cop then turns to the boys saying the truck was reported stolen and they are under arrest.

Peter and Darcy had sex and end up being caught fully clothed afterward. Because of going rogue everyone has to get up an hour earlier

Manny is ironing her outfit for her interview and asks to see her demo real only to find out that it’s the sex tape and not the right disk.

At the Jail Spinner asks if they should call Jimmy’s lawyer father. Manny calls however Jay can’t talk to her cause he’s in lockup for the night…..TBC

Manny is still watching the tape. She can’t believe that Jay would do that to her. If she doesn’t have her demo she might as well pack it in cause she can’t audition. When one of the sisters hears that Manny was planning on auditioning for the ‘Dame’ she’s told that she’s brutal and that the program is real exclusive and I’m just getting mucho season three Glee flashbacks right about now with Manny in relation to the whole NYADA audition plot. Manny decides that if the head of drama sees her act in person and not a demo she’ll have to consider her for acceptance right?


Jay’s talking to his boss on the phone telling him the situation. The charges are dropped and the boys get back on the road hoping to save Manny’s audition in time.

The camp kids are outside and Darcy is shaky. She tells Peter she thought being with him would help erase her bad memories better ones but it just makes her worse. She’s a bad person and she deserves to be in a place like this. Peter says he’s here for her. Darcy is asked to be blindfolded and she starts to freak. She’s told that she needs to trust everyone because they won’t lead her astray.

Manny goes to her audition and is told no Demo Real no Audition and she ends up doing her audition……DON’T RAIN ON MY PARADE…..sorry I just had to do that….but she does choke. She comes out of the theater in tears and Jay is there with the demo. He tells her to go back in and Manny tells him it’s too late. He ruined things and she hopes he’s happy. Breaking up with him was the best choice ever and all he brings is failure and disappointment.

Darcy is dropped off in her spot in the woods where her solo quest begins. She’s supposed to find her path from this undisclosed location to the campsite in the AM.

Emma asks how the audition went and Manny says she choked. She sees Spinner and Jimmy at the sorority party and they tell them Liberty invited them. They are there for the music fest and all Jay would talk about was her.

Jay shows up at the ‘Dame’s’ office telling her that he’s Manny’s agent and hands her the real asking for Manny to give her another chart as he turns on the swoonworthy con man charm. Though as Jay is drinking and dancing and giving the older woman a foot rub Manny is making out with the frat guy.

Darcy wakes up the following day in the woods and makes it to the campsite with ten minutes to spare.

Jay shows up at the Sorority to tell Manny he got her a second audition and that now he promises to stay out of her life. She tells her thank you for the second chance and the Dame tells Manny her agent Jay was rather convincing. Manny is in the drama program pending her acceptance to the school.

The boys see Ashley at the music fest as the girls show up. Manny tells Emma and Liberty that she nailed her audition thanks to Jay and how she can’t believe he did what he did.

Darcy reads a letter her parents wrote to her. She’s not angry at her parents. She blames herself……someone else. The conciliar tells her to go talk to the empty chair a ’la Clint Eastwood and she yells at her chair! Rapist for closure. Peter gently takes her hand.

Jay shows up at the music fest and Manny thanks him and apologies are traded.

It’s announced that the mystery singer of the fest is Craig. Spinner can’t believe they drove all the way to see their old band mate SPINNER WAS HIS DRUMMER. Jimmy asks Ashley if she knew and she admits after the break up Craig and her were e-mailing and he invited her to go tour Europe with him. Okay so now you’re okay with being in Craig’s shadow….allrighty then….Craig calls Ashley onstage calling her his muse and they sing My Window which was the song Ashley wrote that Craig stole in the first place.

As Craig’s music is playing we get flashes of Darcy and Peter at Camp while Darcy is up on a ropes course trust exercise. Manny tells Jay that she used to be all over Craig but Jay is his today and tomorrow this is until the frat guy thanks her for last night and Jay walks off. After the show Manny apologizes to Jay hooking her car is now hooked to the tow truck telling him that wherever he’s going she is and their fake engagement has just become a real one.

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