Friday, August 9, 2013

6x13 If You Leave|| recap

The episode opens with the spirit squad having practice. They are good but it’s important to note that the male team members are now gone. They finish up and know they are going to win at finals. Emma tells Manny how this doesn’t feel right with JT only dying two weeks ago. She’s still on edge from it all and asks Manny out for coffee. Manny can’t cause she has an important date…not with new boyfriend Damian but with her mom as she thinks it’s about time she comes back home.


Manny is packing her things from the basement. She knows she clashes with her dad but they are her parents and not Emma’s parents and just because she’s going home doesn’t mean she won’t still be over all the time.

Back at University House Marco wants to spend time with Dylan however he is always busy with Hockey stuff.

Darcy and Manny approach Mia in the hall asking if she wants to come back to the squad. She tells them off offended that they’d think she would after her boyfriend only just died. They go and Emma tells Mia that they were only trying to help. Mia knows this however she doesn’t want to be part of something Lakehurst is involved in and wants to protest.

Manny is going with Damian however Sean doesn’t like it because he goes to the school of the people who killed JT.

Jimmy and Spinner and Marco are playing video games and Marco is all mopy about Dylan and the lack of time he’s spending with him. Spinner asks if Dylan has a MyRoom page and that if so he should check it. Jimmy has a different approach and suggests doing something romantic.

Damian and Manny are shopping and Manny ends up blowing off plans with Emma by saying she went home and her dad won’t let her back out when in reality she is spending more time with her date.

Marco cooks Dylan a romantic dinner. He is late and claims his phone was dead however it soon magically rings and he has to leave to take it.

Speaking of little white lies….Emma calls Manny out on her lie saying how she said she was home yet her dad called asking where she was. Don’t worry….Emma covered. Manny is apologetic about blowing off a Grey’s Anatomy Marathon for a guy and suggests they double.

Marco hears that Dylan’s computer has a new message and he checks it only to find multiple messages from a guy named Julian including one arranging a dinner.

The double date happens after school and Mia soon approaches the pairs asking Damian how Drake was doing since the two boys used to be friends. Sean and Emma let this information sink in before asking Manny where her loyalties lie and Manny comments glad she’s not living under Emma’s judgmental roof.

The following day at school there is a PA announcement about the competition and Emma and Toby comment asking what would beating Lakehurst in a cheer competition prove.

Marco goes to Jimmy and Spinner asking if they have a singles discount because he found something on Dylan’s computer. Spinner KNEW there was a MyRoom page and goes on a tangent about how evil they are (since this is why he and Darcy broke up) Marco tells him about the e-mail and how he’s thinking about crashing the dinner.

Degrassi’s squad cheers and gets near perfect marks.

Marco crashes the dinner and it turns out Julian isn’t a guy on the side but a hockey recruiter wanting Dylan to play in Switzerland.

Lakehurst goes to cheer and the crowd (Emma, Sean, Danny, Derek, Mia, and Liberty among others) chant go home Lakehurst. Manny is pissed about this even though Degrassi has won and Damian makes a comment that leads to a brawl. Emma gets a detention and says its worth it cause Lakehurst killed JT. Simpson reminds her that one kid killed JT and not to take it out on the whole school.

Dylan tells Marco how hockey is his life not some hobby but he doesn’t want to go cause he’s afraid of leaving Marco. Marco tells him that this is the opportunity of a lifetime and he has to go.

Emma and Manny meet on the curb that JT was killed at and the girls apologize.

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