Wednesday, August 7, 2013

6x08 Crazy Little Thing Called Love—recap

Sean is finally free from jail thanks to Emma getting him representation which lead to a lighter sentence and two years’ probation. He’s glad to get back to the perfect girl who doesn’t deserve him…..and bacon double cheeseburgers (so much for season one Sean who didn’t eat Beef after visiting the slaughter house huh) Emma tells him she can put her carnivorous objections aside for the night and has a present….a photo from their first date six years ago (see Friday Night). He wishes he could go back to then….back to a time she was proud of him..


Simpson asks Sean if the couch is lumpy and he tells him its fine and he’s glad that he’s able to crash there. Christine asks what he plans on doing and Sean tells her that Jay is setting him up with a job at the grudge. They ask what about school and Simpson even tells him he’ll go to bat to overturn the expulsion however Sean is perfectly fine on his own.

B Plot is about characters I don’t care less about but whatever. Pretty much Danny and Derek are clashing with Mr. P. Mr.P doesn’t like the kids and calls them ‘Smart Asses’ behind their back (to Simpson)

Sean interviews at the garage and gets his first assignment….so long as he quits talking and gets to work.

Danny gives an essay for Mr.P and he pretty much chews Danny out saying he should have researched instead of copying from the damn book. Derek talks out in defense and Mr.P says you know what I’ll give you both detentions then you both can go work on re-doing the essay from scratch. Allot of this plot is just a watered down version of the Jimmy/Spinner vs. Kwan stiff from season one coincidentally (or maybe not) also from Friday Night AKA the Sean/Emma First Date (hmmm maybe there is a method to this madness of a plot after all)

Emma sneaks up on Sean on the job though it’s not really sneaking up because he sees her through the mirrors. Sean tells Emma to tank Jay for the job and he’s glad to have his best friend and his girlfriend by his side.

Mr. P is waiting at the city bus and Derek tries to be friendly asking if there is something wrong with his car. Mr. P asks why did he (Derek) do something to it. He then tells Derek he wants to make things clear he demands respect.

Emma is looking for her good bra the one who gives her ‘Manny Boobs’ cause she’s planning on her first real date with Sean. She wants to make it perfect because she’s worried that he’s going to find out about Jay and the ravine and doesn’t know how he’ll react. Manny tells her if he loves her he’d get that she was in a bad place.

Sean sets up a romantic dinner for him and Emma after hours at the Dot. It’s perfect and he tells her she is too but she has mistaken and she doesn’t want him to hold them against her. It’s stupid….

At work the next day Sean asks Jay if something was going on with Emma he’d tell her cause he’s his best friend. Jay then tells him about the hook up. Sean asks if they had sex and Jay says not really….well it was more so like it to him then her and it was a one off thing. Sean is pissed off and shows up at Degrassi to confront her. She doesn’t deny it and simply asks who told him? It was two years ago and it was just after being held and gunpoint. Sean walks out and Peter leans over asking ‘Lovers Quarrel’ as to tease.

Sean goes back to work however he’s not wanting to be a team player. As Jay took something kind and good and ruined it. Jay tells him he didn’t force her in fact it was her idea which is totally true.

The girls are in science (now with yet another new teacher….the second since Miss H’s promotion) and Emma is mangling the model heart telling Manny how she told Sean about Jay. Manny tells her allot has went on and no one should judge her especially Sean.

Mr. P tells Derek to not take offence to his outburst the other night. He’s a smart kid and he was just trying to motivate him to work and tells him to go and kick but on his presentation.

A customer comes to the garage and Sean gives him attitude and ends up quitting.

The boys give their presentation and Mr.P tells them nice job then he calls on the next kid who isn’t ready and makes a snide comment followed by giving him a zero. Derek asks why he’s doing this and he’s still making comments so Derek walks out.

Sean is packing and Emma tells him that’s classic. The going gets tough he leaves. She’s not the same girl she was in grade seven she’s almost eighteen and a grown ass woman. Sean lists all his problems including what she did and she knows she’ll never live it down. He walks off and ends up at the bus station however in fumbling for his pass he drops the photo of him and Emma. Looking from the picture to the happy couples at the station he has a cathartic moment.

Derek reports Mr. P on his abusive comments and goes to make a statement to the Principal.

Sean shows back up telling Emma how things weren’t supposed to be like this. When he came back it wasn’t really for school or the garage. Emma nods saying how he had it and blew. He doesn’t want her to give up and she tells him she’s not perfect….he doesn’t want perfect he just wants her. He tells Emma he’s going to ask for the job back, take the GED and get his own place. As for them…he wants to get to know her again.

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