Monday, August 5, 2013

6x03 True Colors--recap

Emma is at the courthouse waiting to hear Peters sentence. He lost his license and got community service… plus he’s under house arrest at his moms while it’s said Sean is going to be tried HARD.


Peter is forced to make a PSA over the school announcements apologizing for giving the school a bad name with his actions.

Manny is shocked that Peter only got a slap compared to Sean. Peter then tells Emma how his mom won’t let him attend the school dance.

At Student Council Liberty is talking about ideas for said dance and Emma suggests a costume dance that way Peter can go and nobody will be the wiser.

Jay’s at school talking to Simpson and Emma sees him thought he classroom door wondering what he’s doing back at Degrassi.

Ellie’s article she was assigned last episode isn’t in the latest edition and was cut due to rookie mistakes.

Emma tells Jay he shouldn’t be at the school and Jay tells Emma how Sean is in hell and was jumped and she should really go to his hearing.

Ellie wants to know Jesse’s deal and why she wasn’t published asking him   for another chance promising to not screw up and the article did get her an A in class. Jesse comments that she bets she knows the job better than him then turns around and invites her out for a beer and reminding me the drinking age here is eighteen and not twenty one.

Peter picks Emma up in his car despite a) being on house arrest and b) having his license revoked. They are making out and Peter rolls his eyes as he hates Emma’s Honey Vanilla shampoo. Emma promises not to use it at the dance telling Peter that she made it a costume dance so he can go unnoticed. They are making out and Emma tells him he should go. Peter says his mom’s at a meeting so she won’t know. They start to talk about the hit and run and Peter is glad the guy lived so he only got a slap on the wrist.

Ellie calls Jesse a hypocrite for ripping her writing however he likes bands whose lyrics are winy and subpar. She’s going to write a review of the show and he gives her a good night kiss. Marco comments when Jesse leaves that he guesses she’s finally over Craig.

Emma is looking for an outfit for Sean’s hearing. She’s worried about him because he’s her friend nothing more and she just wants to make sure he’s okay. Manny can see right through this act and knows Emma still cares.

Emma shows up at the court to see Sean all beaten and bruised. He comments that the Vanilla shampoo is his favorite.  The trial doesn’t happen however because Sean’s public defender didn’t show. Sean asks Emma if she’s still with Peter and she says yes.

Emma arrives at school after skipping homeroom and asks Simpson if they could re-arrange the sleeping arrangements at home to rent out a room to pay for a real lawyer for Sean…or perhaps a fund raiser. Simpson shoots both ideas but says that Emma will figure something out.

Ellie gets a choice assignment and one of the girls at the paper comments that it’s fall and time once again for Jesse to take interest in an innocent Frosh.

Emma is standing at her locker holding a stack of raffle tickets when she finds an expensive mask in her locker. Peter put it there to surprise her. He asks about what the tickets are for and she tells them it’s for a raffle at the dance.

Ellie is stress baking at the apartment. She vents about how Jesse cut her article then asked her out then kissed her then got a great article and now she’s the new CORE tramp and she’s in a conundrum. Marco tells her the Devil is cute…. Real cute… Brad Pitt cute and that she shouldn’t sell out just for some pretty face. The following day Ellie tells Jesse she can’t do the music column because she’s more interested in intramural water polo and so she and Eric trade assignments.

Emma clues in student council treasure about the fifty fifty raffle that’s being held to raise money for Sean’s Defense Fund. Manny tells Emma she needs to let it go. Emma can’t cause Sean is in her heart. Put Peter….he was the one holding her hand when she was hospitalized and he even left her the mask in her locker as a surprise…’re locker? Manny says asking if Emma gave him her combo. It’s then Emma has the realization that no she did not and if he could get into her locker then he WAS the one who planted the pot in Sean’s. Emma confronts him about it and Peter admits he did it to keep him and Emma together. Emma tells him that was low and they are done. Miss H then catches Peter who had snuck out to go to the dance breaking his arrest terms.

Jesse reads Ellie’s article telling her he didn’t give her the other one to get into her pants he’d done it because she was good. He also can’t help that he likes her and the two of them get together.

Emma tells Sean she raised some money but not enough to help him and apologizes for not believing what he said about Peter. She then tells him her dad is looking into finding him a new public defender who cares. Before she leaves she slips him a travel bottle of the shampoo so that he can always have her sent.

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