This is the episode
that introduces us to a character that has basically become a running joke in
the Degrassi fandom and that is Chantay Black.
If you do the math she’d be in Grade Eight this season however if she
was that young it makes me wonder why she’d be hanging out with Emma and Manny
(though her future love interest Danny hangs out with JT who is in the same
grade so…..I guess in hindsight it makes sense.) Anyway that’s not till the
random B plot but the episode starts with the A plot which actually is continual
of one of the arches of the season.
The episode opens as
Paige and Mr. O are at the park having a picnic. He’s talking about how nervous
he is because his instructor is coming to review him for his program and the
kids are scary. Paige laughs saying that Marco is afraid of bees and is hardly
scary…..though Heather Sinclair (#16) is. As they are at the park they notice
Simpson and baby Jack in the distance and bale before getting caught.
Paige is MIA from
cheer practice and so Manny takes over. Hazel tells her how Paige will be upset
that Manny is taking over and Manny notes that it’s okay….she knows about the
affair and how Paige is with Mr. O.
Mr. O is teaching
the grade ten MI class and as Emma speaks up Chris makes back handed comments
about Emma having gonorrhea. During his
grade eleven lecture Hazel is whispering to Paige how come she had to hear
about the relationship from Manny and not her. When she’s called on Hazel
snarks….’oh I thought you only had eyes for Paige.’
Emma is in the quad
upset trying to kill Chris with her eyes. She’s sick of being judged for what
she did and Manny suggests that she, Darcy, and Chantay come over for a girls
spa weekend to vent about guys.
Paige apologizes to
Mr. O for Hazel’s comment and doesn’t want him to end up getting booted out of
teachers college. Soon after this exchange Manny arrives and the two have what
I think is one of the most EPIC catfights in Degrassi history and I’ve been
looking forward to this moment in my re-watch line no ones business. Miss H
pulls Paige away and Mr. O pulls Manny away and she comments “Hey Mr. Pedophile….I
mean Oleander.’ This exchange causes a red flag to raise and a meeting to be
Paige is worried
that she’s going to get Mr. O fired and she vents to Marco and Hazel until it’s
her turn to go to the office. Paige says that she and the teacher were close
because he was tutoring her however it’s pointed out that their stories don’t
match and he said Paige was stalking him and flirting with him and that a
formal meeting will be held on Monday to determine a course of action.
The girls are having
a spa day and talking about how they hate guys when Chester in his second and
last appearance before being shipped to the Degrassi Bermuda triangle shows up.
Apparently he’s Emma’s new neighbor.
Paige tells Mr. O
she’s pissed that he would tell them she was a stalker and suggests they split
till summer break.
Emma is trying to
tie dye however the other girls can’t help but look at Chester….who just so happens
to have two brothers and soon a dye fight breaks out or more specifically a
football falls into the dye vat and splashes all over Emma.
Paige and Alex are
at the theater talking about Manny, Mr. O and Fake Cheese. Dylan and Marco show
up and Dylan wants to get back at Matt for breaking Paige’s heart (awe)
Emma and the girls
decide to pull a prank and put tampons, pads, and Christmas Lights on a tree in
front of Chester’s house however the cops soon come ending the fun.
Paige plans to corroborate
with Mr. O’s stalker story and then tells Simpson and Miss H that she can transfer
out of the class or just re-take it next year. She can’t and she can’t change
schools this late in the game or she’ll lose the year. Simpson admits it’s not
all Paige’s fault and that it’s a two way street. Mr. O nods and admits he and
Paige has been an item.
Chester warns Emma
to watch her back causes his brothers want revenge (though the revenge if it
ever happens occurs off screen)
Mr. O can still get
his BA but he’s out of teachers college but there is a silver lining and he and
Paige don’t have to sneak around.
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