Thursday, July 11, 2013

3x06 Gangsta Gangsta RECAP

Episode opens with Sean in his living room channel surfing. He dials Emma’s number and gets her machine. Tracker shows up with his girlfriend and is all PDA. Tracker apologizes saying he thought Sean would be over Emma’s though he hasn’t been there in a month cause of Simpson’s illness. Tracker gives him money to ‘buy him a card’ translation get the frack out so I can have my sexytimes. Sean picks up phone and calls Emma 


Toby and JT are looking over class pictures and Toby is commenting how his grandparents should take stock in the photo company. Sean arrives and rolls his eyes at the pictures. Soon, Jay pulls up and not in the infamous orange civic we’ll see later on. JT comments about how Jay is crazy. Toby comments that if Jay parks where he did he’ll get a ticket and Jay steals Toby’s pictures. Sean steals them back and Jay asks if he’s the bodyguard and Sean says no they are his friends.

In class Simpson returns Sean’s paper criticizing him and Emma explains he just started chemo and has a new laptop as a get well gift. Emma then questions if Sean called because she had lots of hang ups. Sean says they should just hang out and order in and watch movies like old times and Emma agrees.

After class Sean watches Jay, Alex (new character) and their gang rob the vending machine.
Sean takes a bite of Emma’s lunch and makes a face as Simpson says they are calling in a sub because he’s sick and since Christine has to work Emma needs to come home canceling her date with Sean.

At what I assume is the same lunchtime Liberty and Kendra are playing chess at a picnic table and they ask Toby what’s wrong. JT was supposed to hang with them and their chess club but instead is hanging out with Paige and the upperclassman.

Craig and Sean are in shop class and Sean gets complemented on his good work. Jay is glaring over in the boy’s direction and Sean approaches him telling him he’s working on his project wrong and shows him the right way to do it.

Sean and Emma are now in Armstrong’s class and Sean gets called to the Principal who questions him about the vending machine robbery by his locker. Some students claim he was around when it happened and Sean complains he’s being accused because he’s the poor kid.

Sean then confronts Jay thinking he’d been the one to pit the crime on him. This leads to a fight. As they wait for the principal Jay says most they can get is a warning cause the sidewalk isn’t school grounds. Jay teases Sean that he’s all Eminem on the outside and a baby on the inside. Sean brings up his record and Jay nods knowing how Sean deafened a kid and offers him a place in his gang.

JT’s sleeping over Toby’s for the evening and has a ‘wet dream’ about Liberty…..yes THAT Liberty the same girl he faked gay to avoid in season one. Toby uses the information about JT’s dream to work his way into hanging with Paige and the cool kids.

Sean approaches the gang the next day giving those help on fixing up the car they are working on. Sean offers to help the parts will be pricy but he’s willing to do the labor for free.

Spinner, Paige, Hazel, and JT are playing cards and Toby approaches wanting to join in. JT brushes him off and true to his words he tells about JT’s dreams about Liberty.

SITE is going to ‘clean the ravine’ and Jay mocks Sean for joining in which amuses me because of just what goes on down there and with whom later in the series. Emma thanks Sean for helping even though it’s not his style and Sean wants to make out. Kendra catches them though compared to the things I teased above kissing is rather tame don’t you think?

Sean is upset and complains that Emma is uptight. Emma an always is about everything but them. She tells him to have fun hanging with Jay and his crew.

In shop Jay informs Sean he’s found a way to get the money for the parts and Jay goes into the MI lab to grab a few keyboards and mice however Sean suggests they take Simpson’s new laptop that was left unlocked.

Emma’s signing a class photo to give to Sean when she sees him arrive with Jay. She asks to talk about what happened the day before and what was said. Sean says he’s said all he’s needed to and Emma walks off crumpling the picture.

JT asks Toby why he told the others about the dream and Toby says it’s cause JT’s been ignoring. JT tells him the cool kids are his friends, Toby is his friend but they don’t mesh.

Simpson is sad that he’s lost his laptop thinking that the chemo’s made his brain cloudy but he can’t believe he lost the laptop. Emma suggests that perhaps it’s not lost at all as she looks toward where Sean is standing in the hall.

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