Thursday, July 11, 2013

3x04/05 Pride Recap

This is an episode with lots going on no matter what way you look at it and I can’t tell you how many times I started and stopped my DVD while I was taking notes for this recap. Also I just want to warn I do use allot of derogative words in regards to gays in this recap though it’s in the context of the episode and honestly whenever I had to type the F word it made me sick.

The episode opens and Marco and Ellie age getting ready to spend Saturday at the beach. As they arrive at the car where the other members of the group are waiting Paige introduces Marco to her brother Dylan (remember the gay brother she mentions as early as season one)


Spinner, Paige, Marco, Ellie, Jimmy, Hazel and Dylan arrive at the beach. As they unload the car Spinner says he doesn’t want to carry the beach umbrella as it’ll make him look like a homo……he meant homo as in…..milk? He says defensively though Paige and Dylan brush off the offensive comment as a case of Spinner being Spinner.

At the Simpson home Christine is holding baby Jack as Simpson is coughing. Emma enters saying between Jack’s crying and the dripping of the pipes in the basement she can’t sleep at night. Simpson says he’s working on covering the pipes with foam to get rid of the noise however when he cuts the foam he slits his hand open. As Christine tends to his wound she says he needs to leave because Jack just got over a cold and it sucks to breastfeed when the baby has a runny nose and so he plans to go to Joey’s.

Marco apologizes for inviting Ellie who seems out of place with the group. Ellie asks why he didn’t say something earlier when Spinner referred to her as his honey and how she’s tired of being his beard. A volleyball game is about to start however she’d rather sit and read and so the boys, Paige and Hazel play. When the game ends Dylan invites the boys to a hockey game of his before giving Marco one on one volleyball tips.

At the Jeremiah home Craig and Ashley are talking about putting Angie to bed early and spending the whole night while joey’s on a date making out however this plan is thwarted when an ill Simpson arrives explaining how he was kicked out till his cold goes away.

While the boys have a water fight and Ellie is still off with her book Dylan asks Paige and Hazel about Marco. They say he’s with Ellie and Dylan comments rather matter of fact that it’s not like he didn’t date girls before coming out. They drop this conversation and soon ogle joggers passing by. Spinners grossed out making a comment about how they should put all the gays on an island far away. Seriously I just want to reputedly slap him for this whole episode.

Craig and Simpson are playing video games when he faints onto the couch and has a bloody nose. Craig and Ashley worry however Simpson says he just over did it but wants a rematch.

At the beach the crew is making smores and Spinner asks Marco why he’s not with Ellie. Marco walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder and she flips commenting to everyone they broke up. Marco walks off and is out on the rocks looking out at the water and Dylan goes to join him.

On Monday at school Spinner is telling Paige how he’s shocked Marco didn’t tell him about the breakup and Paige once again says how she suspects Marco is gay. Checking himself out in the bathroom, Marco soon ends up in the hall as the guys tease about his leafs jersey as Marco has no interest in sports. He breaks away from the group to talk to Dylan who is in another classroom when Jay (!!!!! Sorry he’s an ass but I flipping love him sorry…not sorry) shows up and tells Marco to be careful not to drop something in front of ‘Homochuck’

Craig approaches Emma saying how he thinks something is up with Simpson and explains what happened over the weekend.

Spinner looks at Marco contemplating Paige’s assumption and soon asks why the break up. Marco says he and Ellie were more like brother and sister and were better off as friends.  Spinner suggests he should go with Hazel since she liked him last year and is single still.

Manny is talking to Simpson about a silent auction the junior Spirit Squad is having (so we have JV and Varsity squads now??) and asking if he’d contribute. He nods as she leaves and Emma confronts him about what Craig told her. He claims he’s fine but when Emma leaves he calls the doctor.

Spinner, Paige, Marco, and Hazel are at the Dot though at this time I don’t think it was established as the Dot yet. They are on a date and Ellie shows up side eyeing the group. Marco is told to ignore her however he excuses himself saying he needs to leave to help his mom with making her famous pasta sauce. .

Simpson’s at the doctor after school and after running a few tests he’s told that from the tests taken it’s possible that Simpson has the early signs of leukemia. I swear this plot better be brought up this season with Clare’s arch cause some Clare/Simpson moment would be interesting though not too close of a moment as I’m sure Helen hasn’t forgotten what went on or rather didn’t go on between her eldest Darcy and the teacher in season seven though I doubt anyone remembers Darcy since she went to Kenya.

Part one ends in an epic moment in the alley behind the Dot. Spinner confronts Marco for abandoning Hazel to make pasta sauce and Marco breaks down saying how he’s gay….to be continued….

Part two opens up the following day. Marco asks Spinner if he told anyone about what was said and after playing dumb Marco reminds Spinner he’s gay. Spinner responds maybe yes maybe no as far as telling goes.


Ellie assures Marco that Spinner will keep the secret however as they round the corner they overhear Jimmy and Craig talking about how Spinner told them to keep something quiet. Marco asks what they are talking about and the boys come clean. Spinner is planning a surprise sweet sixteen party for Paige.

Emma asks Simpson how he is doing and says he should go home to rest before going in for testing later that day. He wants to stay for the auction and see what his text based portraits will do. Looking at one of baby Jack he comments how he’ll be bald soon enough when the chemo takes over.

Dylan gives Craig, Spinner, and Jimmy the tickets saying there is a fourth for Marco. Jimmy and Craig are excited for boys night and Spinner comments they are acting like fags and that Marco isn’t coming because he has other plans. At PE Jimmy and Craig tell Marco how sorry they are he can’t come and Marco asks what they mean. Spinner makes a backhanded comment about the only reason Marco wants to go is cause he has a gay crush on Dylan and proceeds to keep spiking the ball in Marco’s face.

Simpson isn’t making much on his art and announces if the squad can make $250 he’ll publically shave his head. .

Spinner writes ‘Marco is a fag’ on the bathroom wall and Jimmy asks what his deal is and if he’ll make a slur about him being black next.  Jimmy then coaxes Marco to come to the game and he agrees but he’ll skip having dinner before with everyone and just meet them at the arena.

The boys are having their dinner when Paige shows up explaining how it may be boys night to them but it’s ‘I’m supporting my brother’ night for her. She asks where Marco is and they explain he’s meeting them later.

Joey brings dinner over to Simpson’s home after the tests and Simpson jokes about his condition to cope.

Marco got off at the wrong bus stop and is in the ‘Gay Village’ where he soon gets jumped by a group of bashers. At the game jimmy steps away to call him only to hear Marco call for help before dropping his phone. Jimmy leaves and finds Marco beaten and giving a police report.

Simpson prepares to shave his head the following day at school.

Marco tells Ellie between being jumped and Spinner’s homophobia he can’t be anything right now.

As the lunch lady shaves Simpson’s head in front of the school his phone rings as his final result is in. Manny approaches Emma saying that even she has to admit what Simpson did was cool and Emma looks at her upset. Manny asks what she did to offend Emma this time and Emma replies that things at home aren’t so good. Manny asks concerned if something is wrong with the baby and Emma shakes her head. She tells her Simpson is sick and it could be bad.

Jimmy and Spinner are playing ball and Spinner continues to make homophobic comments about Marco.

Simpson is outside and Emma asks him what the doctor said. He says she better get used to his bald look because he starts chemo the following week. Emma asks how he can be calm and make jokes and he says it’s what keeps him sane.

Jay teases Marco in the bathroom as he points to Spinner’s graffiti. Jay leaves and Spinner arrives. Marco asks why Spinner did that and Spinner asks why doesn’t he stop being gay. Marco says how the thugs beat him because he was gay and Spinner is no better than they were.

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