Wednesday, July 10, 2013

3x01/02 Father Figure Recap

I just want to say WOW at how much some of the characters changed. Ashley dropped her Goth look and has this new punk/rock style which I loved so much and still do also lots of the boys have fluffy CW/douchebag hair.

The episode begins as Emma is sitting outside reading as Christine yells ‘it’s time’. Soon some Lion King-esque stock music plays in the background as Emma and Simpson run inside thinking she’s about to give birth. It was just a drill and both of them sigh. Apparently she’s been doing these allot as she’s prepping to have a home birth and needs to make sure things are going swimmingly.


The opening has changed since last season and not just with additional scenes. It changes styles and this same style will be used in every season sans six and seven up until at least season 12 (I don’t know if the season 13 opening will of leaked by the time this entry posts though it begins tomorrow so we’ll see if it’s the same style or not) It would be highly interesting if someone ever did a GIF set on Tumblr with the scenes through the seasons and what ones mirrored one another. Just from now I can already pick out a few:
  • Ellie/Peter/Sav with the camera
  • Emma/Clare sticking tongue out at said camera
  • Toby & Liberty/Conner & Wesley in the science lab
  • Or as far as scenes in later seasons go Emma & Manny & Kelly in the truck/Alli & Clare & Jake with the truck

I’m sure there are many more but back to the episode…..

Emma is in the basement which is being renovated into being her new bedroom as the baby due any day now is moving into her room. Christine comes to say she needs to get up because she doesn’t want to be late for the first day of school and that the baby shower is that evening at Joey’s however Emma is none too thrilled about it.

In front of the school Paige and Spinner are showing allot of PDA as they celebrate the start of their tenth grade year. Ellie makes a comment about the show and Craig looks between her and Marco and says that he’s sure the two of them have pet names and act all cutesy too.

Emma is venting to Sean are things are at home with the renovation and her mom being nine months pregnant.

Spinner, Paige, and Hazel are looking at class schedules to see what homeroom they are in. Hazel comments she hopes they have Armstrong because he’s cute and Paige comments ewww because he’s a teacher….guess who gets all hot for teacher well student teacher this season….three guesses. However they don’t have Armstrong but have Simpson. “Well, it’s better than the alternative,” quips Marco while looking across the hall at Kwan and it’s mentioned that Spinner has to re-take grade nine English.

Speaking of grade nines in Miss H’s homeroom Toby asks JT who he’s gunning for this year. He brings up Miss H whom he previously had a fling with as well as Kwan jokingly before Miss H goes to call attendance. She calls out Emma Simpson and Emma flips her shit. It’s still Nelson just because her mom married Mr. Simpson doesn’t mean Emma now has his name….hell her mom even kept her maiden name.

Paige arrives at her new locker and it’s in the bad part of the school while Hazel has prime real estate. Spinner wants to do something for their four month anniversary and since he’s broke he wants Hazel to trade lockers with Paige. Hazel refuses.

Emma’s in the library looking at old yearbooks from the 80’s as Craig and Ashley look on. She pauses at a photo of a man and tells them that he’s her biological father Shane. She’s only seen Shane once when she was three and that he’s a doctor. She heads home after school but before the shower and confronts Simpson who is already at work painting Emma’s old room to make into the nursery. Emma rams into him asking if he changed her name at school. He says that the new secretary knows that you’re my daughter and must have just assumed. She comments how Simpson isn’t her real dad and that Shane is and things change in eleven years and she needs to see him. She’s met with a no. Emma leaves the room and Simpson tells Christine she needs to tell Emma the truth.

It’s now the shower and there are some adult based plots namely Caitlin talking to this woman named Sydney who is Joey’s new girlfriend which stings cause Caitlin has lingering feelings toward him stemming back to High School and the original series and there is an on/off Joey and Caitlin plot that is peppered through this and the following season that I may or may not just skim over don’t know yet. Anyway Emma asks her about Shane and she says it’s not her place to tell.

Once the shower ends and Emma is back home she does a web search and finds an address for one Doctor Shane McKay and plans to meet him herself.

The following day at school Spinner approaches Marco who has an awesome locker mirror I just wanted to point out about the epiphany he had while playing Monopoly with his family. If he can coax people into making trades he can get Paige into Hazel’s locker.

Emma asks Sean if he’ll skip school to go see Shane but he refuses to go because he doesn’t want to mess up his already spotty record.

Spinner approaches JT and Toby in the hall asking them about lockers (I don’t know if it was just JT’s or if the boys shared still it was hard to tell) followed by Chris (a new character) and finally back to Hazel herself and he makes a few deals and BAM just like that Paige has a new locker.

Since Manny’s parents will kill her and Craig has had his own daddy issues recently she asks him and they are off. Once they arrive to Dr. McKay’s office they are met by a to put it bluntly a black man and not the man that was in the photo. They end up back at Emma’s place where she remembers Simpson is in charge of keeping the alumni addresses and gets Shane’s address from there….it’s in a different city but apparently not so far that they can’t take the train and plan to go the next day.

Spinner gives Paige the locker and she smiles thanking him for the effort but she doesn’t want the locker because it’s not just about location. She says this as she eyes Jimmy’s locker across the hall which is all decked out in all this cool gear and she begins to salivate over it.

Craig and Emma make their way toward the hospital that they had the address for and as they go inside Emma finds her way toward Shane’s room only to find out he’s a mental patient and not a doctor at all…..TO BE  CONTINED

With no recap part two immediately opens with Emma backing out….no…this was a mistake…..then Shane tells her to wait and says he likes her blonde hair and it reminds him of his daughter Emma. Going over to his desk he picks up a photo of Emma when she was a little girl. He says she doesn’t love him because she never visited. Emma is verging on tears saying she never visited because she didn’t know where to find him and that she’s Emma.


Jimmy and Spinner are at a skate park and jimmy admits to being over the MP3 Player thing. Jimmy says that if Spinner can admit that he’s whipped by Paige by noon the next day the locker is his.

At the hospital Emma asks Shane how long he’s been there and he says since he fell and hit his head. A nurse shows up saying how Emma should leave and that she shouldn’t of surprised Shane like this. As Emma is about to go Shane begins to flip out and is only calmed by knitting. (Can you guess what therapeutic hobby Emma herself will later take up?) She tells Craig how she hates her mom for lying and Craig replies that at least Emma still has a dad, two really. They miss the train back home and call Joey to get them. Joey is none too pleased especially once he hears they went to see Shane. Christine and Simpson ask why Emma skipped school and once again she flips out saying Simpson is not her dad once more rather harshly before going to her room.

In Armstrong’s class the next day Jimmy informs Spinner he has fifteen minutes left to declare he’s whipped and so when Armstrong asks for someone to come up to solve a problem on the bored he does and gives a speech…Paige is mortified.

Christine is home knitting (guess it’s a family trait) and there is a knock on the door….Shane.

Simpson approaches Emma in the hall and lets her know what really happened and why Shane was hidden from her all these years. When Christine was pregnant he wanted to help but his parents would allow it and so one night he tripped on acid and jumped off a building cracking his skull and causing permanent neurological issues which is why he’s been committed to the facility he was in.

Shane tells Christine he should be her husband and that she should be carrying his baby not Simpson’s the scene is really creepy and scary and it makes you feel like something bad is about to go down especially when Shane refuses to let Christine use the phone. Emma meanwhile is calling home from a PAYPHONE at the school and gets a dead line making her realize something is up. Shane begins to flip out and smash things around in the house.

Spinner tells Paige that he’s got Jimmy’s locker for her and she’s pissed that he pretty much painted her as a shrew and a control freak and it seems that their relationship is dead and buried just shy of four months in.

Christine manages to finally get the phone from Shane who is freaking out some more however soon contractions begin…for real this time. Emma shows up and while for a while Shane won’t let them use the phone to call Simpson or the Midwife he finally caves as Emma hands him her mom’s knitting. Simpson runs home to the same Lion King stock music from the start of part one.

Radtich yells at Spinner for his locker scheme and says everyone will go back to the assigned lockers Paige comes into the room and he apologizes saying he wanted to do something nice and how he feels like a familiar because he’s poor and had to retake grade nine English. She assures him he’s not and they are back on.

Simpson shows up and is taken aback by Shane being there however soon turns his attention to his wife giving birth.  A nurse soon comes for Shane however before he leaves Emma gives him a snapshot of them that Craig took. Coming back inside Emma meets baby Jack who looks just like ‘Their’ father in reference to Simpson.

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