Monday, July 1, 2013

2x03 Girls Just Wanna Have Fun RECAP

Probably one of the few dances which nothing dramatic happens….well with the exception of the Jimmy/Spinner sub plot but still that is fluffy drama and yes I know that contradicts.

The episode begins as Emma is doing homework when her mom appears offering her popcorn and saying they need to talk. You know how me and Mr. Simpson knew each other back in the days of the original series….well we’re dating now.

Emma confides this to Manny the following day about Christiane and Mr. Simpson AkA Spike and Snake.

There is an announcement about the dances (mentioned last episode) and how at the senior dance there is a breakdance contest and the winners get Maple Leaf tickets. Jimmy and Spinner are talking about the contest and how they plan on snatching the tickets as we meet Marco who is busting a move in the hallway.  Spinner displays moves of his own and Paige compares it to Heather (#5) and whispers to Jimmy to go solo.

Emma and Manny are still talking about Spike and Snake as Simpson pulls Emma aside after class. Her mom called and told him that she told Emma and he wanted to make sure that she was okay….she claims she was.

Craig asks if the girls are going to the dance and they shake their heads. It’s Senior’s only (as in Senior High).

Jimmy breaks the news to Spinner that he moves like a wounded Polar Bear which brings up a notable quote: ‘Polar Bears are White….I’m White….And You’re Racist.’ Jimmy claims that it’s not cause he’s white just that he sucks and they both go solo….may the best man win.

While the seniors have a night dance the juniors (Grade 7’s and 8’s) are having a day dance with Simpson running it and it’s lame. They play the Zit Remedy’s song and Emma is annoyed and leaves. Glad to be home for girls night she soon sees her mom getting all dolled up cause Simpson lucked into tickets for a concert and as mom leaves a fed up Emma decides to go wild and crash the upperclassman dance. She and Manny get ready gushing about how Emma likes Craig and how her Cindy Lauper costume looks lots like Spike when she was a teen.

Joey asks Craig if he’s going with anyone. Craig admits that there is a girl he likes but she’s not going. He’s also unimpressed that Joey didn’t know who Sid Vicious was.

Paige and Hazel brush Ashley off as they enter the dance as across the quad Craig sees the younger girls and helps them crash and Jimmy steals Spinner’s music while he steals Jimmy’s dance clothes. This leads to Jimmy dancing ripping his pants while Spinner dances to Elevator Music. As the music comes to a slow mood, Craig approaches the girls and Emma is all giddy up until he asks Manny.

Emma arrives home upset only to feel worse watching her mom and Simpson kissing.

Jimmy and Spinner apologize for their sabotage and lament seeing how Marco won the tickets and got all the girls….if only they knew he didn’t care about the latter or the former come to think of it until meeting Dylan.

Emma is mad with her mom and wishes she was told about Simpson sooner. She hates things are changing with both her mom dating and the guy she likes liking her best friend instead. She’s not totally sure if she’s okay with either and needs time to think

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