Friday, June 21, 2013

12x39/40 The Time of My Life—postmortem

I’m kind of glad that they didn’t air this back in April and they pushed it back a month and a half because the tone of this episode didn’t match that of 12 C AT ALL Also it seemed or at least it did to my eyes that the filming was different….well at least different then the day to day episodes as it felt on par with LoveFool (Vegas) and other hour long/movie specials. The film work for the season 13 preview however….. Holy MTV REALITY SHOW BATMAN! Let’s just hope that it’s just for ’Summertime’ though I doubt it Again off point.

As far as the episode goes it seemed that a GOOD 85-90% was pretty much setting up Clare’s plot for next season (based on the on location shoot and recent on set spoiler pic I’m calling that she bites the dust and the funeral that’s in Honey or Forever Young is because she dies of Leukemia. And weather she dies or this whole cancer plot is just a red herring and someone random like Dallas’s son Rock or an adult is the one to bite the dust I doubt that Shenae Grimes and Justin Kelly will even cameo to help Clare with her big plot…..I’m sure it will just be a means to further EClare and be the reason Eli drops out of or defers going to NYU and sticks on cannon for now……I love EClare I do but if Sean and Emma couldn’t be end game…..yea….. And speaking of end game congrats Morisol whom despite all the drama of the episode that didn’t involve Imogen and EClare you are one of the few the proud the endgames…..though it would have been nice to HEAR where those two as well as Owen (who I swear had more lines in this episode then in all previous 38 episodes combine)were going post grad.

In my head-cannon Marisol goes to Banting (is that a real school in Canada or one the writers made up?) or some prestigious East Coast American school like Brown while Mo goes to some school (in US or Canada doesn’t matter) to play football and Owen goes into the Army to reunite with Anya and eventually goes into sports therapy. And as far as my lovelies Jatie go….well while he’s off Mushroom Picking and she’s off coaching camp over the summer they correspond. Maybe they start striking up something long distance maybe they don’t….whatever the case come the fall Jake winds up in California (despite the fact that his step sister and ex may or may not have a little thing called CANCER) and he and Katie have a ‘meet cute’ kind of reunion and it’s revealed that over the summer Jake applied and got in for Berkley’s spring semester and they live happily ever after…. (and he and Mo are each others best men and their kids grow up together…..)

That’s all my thoughts on the episode for now……

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