This episode opens as Sean is
working on his bike while his brother Tracker is quizzing him. Tracker brings
up that his mother called and is sober and wants to talk with Sean. Sean thinks
that by talking the mom means that she wants him to come home and he’s not.
Tracker tells him to stay out of trouble and get good grades and he doesn’t
have to worry about going back.
JT worried about upcoming MI test
while in the lab Sean asks Emma if she wants to study. Liberty is asking about
the tests content and mentions how Math isn’t her strongest subject as she’s
figuring out the percentage she needs in order to pass the test..
Spinner is complaining about the
eighth grade test and goes into class only to see Kwan is back and just in time
for finals. Her husband is done with chemo and things look promising. Oscar’s
health however isn’t on the up and up as he excuses himself because he’s sick
as there is flu going around.
Sean and Emma arrive at Sean’s house
to pick up notes. As Emma waits outside Tracker arrives asking if she’s there
to research another article about the wrong side of the tracks. He then proceeds
to ask if she thinks she is going to be a good influence on Sean…..because she
is and he hasn’t been in any trouble like last year. This comment intrigues
Emma as they arrive at her house. She is teaching him a mnemonic device and
tauntingly calls her a LIBERTY. This leads to them tossing a dish towel at each
other and Sean saying be careful messing with him because he’s trouble. This
causes Emma to freeze as Sean winds up telling her how he got into a fight with
a kid last year and made him deaf in one ear and that he’s got anger issues.
The following day at school is the
MI test….good luck
Meanwhile Terri is now coming down
with the flu and Spinner is determined to catch it too so he can leave and not
take the English test.
Sean fails to finish the MI test on
time and because of this he believes he’s still a looser and a screw up and he
totally didn’t pass the test so why bother being good anymore. This leads to him and Jimmy having a tiff in
the hall which leads to them planning to fight after school.
Spinner into Kwan’s room and he’s
burning up so she sends him to the nurse. I just want to point out the fact
that the nurse is a male one which was an interesting thing to see because most
TV shows portray school nurses as either the hag or the sexy/slutty female
type. Anyway he says Spinner has a normal temp but when Spinner asks to take it
again he pulls out a rectal one and tells Spinner to pull down his pants. I don’t
know if I was supposed to be creped out or let the rule of humor take effect
but Spinner heads back to Kwan’s class where she tells him that he’s smart he
just needs to apply himself and not overthink.
Sean bummed but as he leaves Simpson’s
class to head to the fight telling Simpson he knows he failed so why bother. As
Spinner leaves his own test feeling the opposite. He knows he passed.
The fight begins and there is a
passing reference to the way Jimmy got cut from the team in Basketball Diaries
for checking Sean and they begin to fight however Emma comes out to break it up
and unintentional gets pushed to the ground by Sean. This is a wakeup call and
Sean walks away.
The following day Spinner is excited
that finals are done and it’s almost the weekend however due to his attempts to
catch the flu to get out of the test he’s now came down with it.
Sean finds out he passed the test
and has a B as his final MI grade. He apologizes to Emma for his actions
however she walks off and doesn’t want to talk about what happened which is
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