Monday, June 24, 2013

1x06 The Mating Game--Recap

Before we go into this episode I just want to remind anyone reading this that at this point in the series the central characters are in seventh and eighth grade meaning they are in the 12-14 year old age range…..I say this because this episode is all about sex. Okay so not all about it. There is a B plot in which the seventh graders are assigned a project on animals but for the most part….sex sex sex….

The show opens with Ashley showing Teri the silver chain that she purchased for her and Jimmy’s eight month anniversary. I didn’t note if this was before school or if it was in class before people showed up but the following scene in the cold opening takes place in Kwan’s class. They are about to read Romeo and Juliet a play that is mentioned numerous times through the series sometimes with lots and lost of sub textual imagery While this isn’t one of said episodes, Kwan is assigning roles and Jimmy is Romeo however it’s Paige not Ashley who is Juliet.

Meanwhile in seventh grade land JT is psyched because Doctor Sally The sex lady is coming to school to talk to the eighth grade class and he can’t wait to be old enough to have sex ed. This is when Simpson gives the animal assignment mentioned above and Emma declares she plans to do hers on a specific endangered turtle.  We see that Toby is in love with Emma a fact that has been mentioned a few times previously already and he also plans to write about Turtles so that they have something in common. Emma likes Sean however and as the episode unfolds she ends up blowing off seeing a Turtle DVD with Toby, JT and Manny and ends up helping Liberty with editing and having a moment with Sean. That’s really all I’ll say about this plot because the sex plot is more juicy anyway

Doctor Sally gives the eighth graders a sex talk and I don’t know what amuses me about a little old lady talking about erections and placing condoms on bananas. Spinner asks about his friend who has been in an eight month relationship and asks when the friend would be ready to do it. Doctor Sally says physically they are ready for sex now but it’s all about if they are emotionally ready.

At this point there is lots of talk about how they should have had sex and I’m like WHAT. They are THIRTEEN and probably in their first relationship. I’m not saying they have to wait to marriage just perhaps….till HIGH SCHOOL!

Anyway Paige snarkily comments about how Jimmy gave her a ceramic heart while Ashley gave him a $50 chain and that she clearly loves Jimmy more than he loves her.

In Kwan’s class they are reading the play and Paige is getting all handsy with Jimmy in front of Ashley. After class she all but tells Ashley she needs to put out before Jimmy leaves her for someone else….someone like say Paige herself. Seriously I love the girl but she already pushed Spinner away from Terri and now she’s pushing Jimmy from Ashley….gee wiz.

Ashley invites Jimmy over as her parents are going out and Toby won’t be home. The plan is to celebrate their anniversary and consummate their relationship.  Jimmy is happy and tells Spinner he and Ash are going to DO IT while Ashley goes home and shops for condoms online with Terri since it’s a girls responsibility too! Terri worries that Ashley wants to give her virginity to Jimmy for the wrong reason….because she’s scared Paige will snag him. Ashley says it’s not about Paige.

What I assume is the next day Kate is getting ready for her night out with Jeff as Ashley gets the package of condoms. Telling her mom it’s ‘lady stuff’ Kate just nods assuming it’s pads and leaves for her date. Cut to Jimmy and Spinner condom shopping and an uber creepy store clerk leering as he mentions all the different sizes and colors and textures available for her pleasure….

When Jimmy shows up things start off awkward to the point Ashley excuses herself to the bathroom telling herself she needs to GROW UP. Again let me scream YOU ARE THIRTEEN YEARS OLD She comes back and breaks down saying she’s not as mature as Paige who has a reputation of having had sex (in reality she was a virgin at the time and the way she loses it next season…..yea). The ultimately don’t end up doing it and when toby gets home he’s watching as Jimmy and Ash are making condom balloons.

Jimmy ends up telling Spinner Toby came in before they could do it while Ashley says they didn’t do it and Jimmy was cool….too cool actually about not doing it….

This is not the first time that Jimmy and Ashley try and fail having sex. In fact we have a whole season seven plot about it which should be an interesting contrast. I don’t know if I’ll link back to this post when the time comes but the episode title is called ‘It’s Tricky’ so keep an eye out for it when I get that far along….it’s a doozy. 

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